
the proposal

October 19, 2013

John and I spent the day in Seattle... we wandered Pike Place Market where I had my very first piroshki (tasty, but I'd go with a different flavor next time), took the monorail to Seattle Center and went to the Pacific Science Center, a place that had been on our "list" of things to do since we started dating over a year and a half ago.


I had forgotten how much I love the PSC!! The dinosaurs were still just as awesome (even if they are starting to show their age), the healthy eating exhibit was lots of fun, and I loved the new-to-me butterfly room! I got lots of pretty photos... one of these days I'll get around to going through photos I've taken over the last six months or so.

It was a wonderful day.

We made it home and were getting ready to head to my parents' house for dinner when John told me that he something else for me (he had already given me my birthday present--a Kreg Jig!!), did I want it before going to my parents' or after? Admittedly I was a little suspicious... so I told him I wanted it before...

Then he said, "You're weird," and I agreed... then, "I'm weird. Do you want to be weird together, forever?" and pulled out this awesome little black box with a gorgeous ring inside.

Today... I turned 29. Saturday... I spent an awesome day in Seattle with my love. We got home and he told me I was weird. And that he was weird. Then he asked if I wanted to be weird together, forever. I said yes.

I said yes.

Then I laughed... at about 6 months into our relationship we spent a weekend away in Forks. When we got back home he told me that he loved me for the first time. This time, we spend the whole day having fun in Seattle and he waits until we're home again to propose. Really quite fitting, actually.

He told me that the ring had been in his pocket the whole day. He was worried that I would try to put my hands in his pocket to warm up (it was a foggy, cold day) and then he'd have to stop me and I would know something was up. In the end I had no clue, whatsoever.

The ring has a morganite stone... John doesn't really like diamonds, so awhile back I started looking at alternatives and found the morganite (thank you Pinterest!) and fell in love. I mentioned it to him, but nothing else. He picked out the ring and it's perfect. Very "me."

1 comment :

  1. Sarah! I found your blog again! And I'm so happy I got to see this post:) That is pretty high up there in my list of awesome proposal lines. Congrats!


Be Sincere